At The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church parish, we continue to live out the ancient faith of Orthodox Christianity in a way that is relevant to today. We practice unity in essentials, diversity in non-essentials, and charity in all things. We welcome all to come and worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with us as it was done in the first days of Christianity, and has now continued for over 2,000 years in our Lord's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church.
Church Service Schedule​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Friday, January 17
8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, January 19
8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, January 26
8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy
Saturday, February 1
4:45 pm Great Vespers
Sunday, February 2
8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, February 9
8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy
Upcoming Church Events​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Monday, January 13
5pm Tutoring Program
Friday, January 17
6pm Cheers and Beers
Monday, January 20
MLK Day, church office closed
Tuesday, January 21
6pm Parish Council Meeting
Monday, January 27
5pm Tutoring Program
Saturday, February 1
9am Lenten Retreat with Presvytera Jeanne Constantinou